
作者:赵法欣 时间:2016-09-29 点击数:

提 要:复旦大学出版社出版的《西方史学通史》(张广智主编)是迄今为止我国学者撰写的最为系统完整的一部西方史学通史,意义重大,兹不赘言。然而,该作品第三卷中关于拜占庭史学的部分内容存在一些问题,主要体现在史实和表述两个方面。笔者对这些内容一一予以辨析,愿为该书日后的修订完善尽绵薄之力。



Title: Some Corrections of the “Byzantine Historiography” Section in the 3rd Volume ofThe General History of Western Historiography

Author:Zhao Faxin, Lecturer, College of Tourism and Historical Culture, Southwest University for Nationalities, Chengdu, Sichuan, 610041, China.

Abstract: The General History of Western Historiographypublished by the Press of Fudan University (Prof. Zhang Guangzhi as the editor-in-chief) is the most systematic and comprehensive history of Western historiography written by Chinese scholars by far. Its significance is beyond any doubt. However, there are some errors in the section dealing with Byzantine historiography, including factual mistakes and inaccuracies. This essay makes necessary corrections to these problems in hope of contribution to the revision of this general history.

Key words:The General History of Western Historiography; Byzantine Empire; Western Historiography; the Middle Ages

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