
作者:谢乃和 时间:2016-09-29 点击数:

提 要:作为管理商代内服一般贵族家政事务的家臣,与商代王臣、外服诸侯之臣等共同组成了商代早期王权体制下的等级臣僚形态。相关论题的探讨,不仅对复原商代家臣制的本原面貌具有学术价值,而且对深化商代一般贵族家族形态的认识亦有重要意义。从殷墟“非王卜辞”来看,古代家臣制起源与形成于西周春秋时期的旧说难以成立,商代由于早期封建已形成颇具体系的家臣制,其具体内涵则与后世家臣制度互有异同,富有时代特色。



Title: The Retainer System of the Shang Dynasty Reflected in the Non-monarch Oracle Inscriptions

Author:Xie Naihe, Professor, School of History and Culture, Northeast Normal University, Changchun, Jilin, 130024, China.

Abstract: The retainers as the managing servants of the ordinary noble household is a part of the whole bureaucratic hierarchy along with the officers to the king and the princes in the early period of the Shang Dynasty. Studies about these retainers are necessary for our understandings about the related system and the pattern of the general noble clans. Based upon the non-monarch oracle inscriptions discovered from the ruins of the Shang dynasty, it can be concluded that the ancient retainer system of China already existed in the early period of the Shang dynasty, rather than later in the Zhou dynasty as some scholar held. Meanwhile, the Shang retainer system had different characteristics from that of the Zhou dynasty.

Key words:Shang Dynasty; Retainer system; Non-monarch oracle inscriptions; bureaucratic hierarchy

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