
作者:郭 璐 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:

提 要:象天设都是贯穿中国整个帝制时期的规划设计传统,秦咸阳作为中国历史上第一个“天下之都”,其象天设都的空间布局模式具有重要学术价值。本文试图绕开文献与考古实证不足的局限,从外围逼近核心,通过考察战国秦汉时期其他类型“象天制器”的模式得到基本猜想,进而对社会文化、科学知识及技术方法进行综合研究得到可能模式,再以此为纲,分析秦咸阳相关文献与考古资料,得到其象天设都的具体空间模式:天象垂直投影,中宫天极居中、东西南北四宫分别与地上四方相对,五宫星座与都城各片区人工建设一一呼应。这种关系的建立并非“机械投影”,而是在保持星座间的几何拓扑关系和文化象征意义的基础上,结合地面实际建设条件,进行适当协调、妥协,形成天地一体的空间模式。



Title: A Preliminary Study of the Heaven Imitating Spatial Pattern of Xianyang City of the Qin Dynasty

Author:Guo Lu, Post-Doctoral Fellow, School of Architecture, Tsinghua University, Beijing, 100084, China.

Abstract: Imitating heaven to plan capitals is an important tradition throughout Imperial China. The Qin capital Xianyang as the first imperial capital of this kind therefore deserves serious examination. Based upon written materials, archaeological findings, as well as information about the practices and technology of manufacturing items with Heaven imitating mentality, this paper re-constructs the Qin Xianyang spatial pattern: the various sections of the city were built according to the projection of the spatial distribution of the constellations in the sky with the central palace echoing the celestial pole and the other four palaces were located echoing the four areas in the sky. While the geometry topology relation among different constellations and the cultural connotations were both fully studied, some adjustments and compromises were also made for constructions to fit the accurate earth surface condition.

Key words:Xianyang; imitating heaven; spatial pattern

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