
作者:王超华 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:

提 要:面对黑死病流行之后的人口危机,英格兰议会多次颁布劳工法令,试图限制劳动力流动和劳动力价格上涨。研究中世纪英格兰的劳工法令,对于了解当时英格兰王室应对危机的方式,进而理解中世纪晚期英格兰的经济社会具有重要意义。当前学界的关注点主要集中在劳工法令的效果上,对法令本身缺乏足够研究。本文通过研究指出,中世纪英格兰劳工法令在颁布之初得到严格执行,并有效遏制了劳动力价格上涨。另外,在民族国家形成过程中,劳工法令是英格兰王室政府协调利益集团关系和干预经济社会生活的有力工具。


Title: The Promulgation, Execution and Effects of the Statutes of Laborers in Medieval England

Author:Wang Chaohua, Assistant Research Fellow, Institute of World History, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing, 100006, China.

Abstract: After 1349, in an endeavour to control the population crisis as the aftermath of the Black Death, the English Parliament promulgated several Statutes of Laborers. Focusing on the these Statutes of Laborers, this article tries to testify that, after being carried out strictly in the beginning, these Statutes restrained the wages rises effectively in the third quarter of the Fourteenth century and played an important role in coordinating the relationship of the interest groups, as well as in intervening the economic-social life of the common people.

Key words:The Middle Ages; England; Statutes of Laborers; Wages

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