“奉旨归堂”:康熙宫廷西洋教士 寻求皇帝宽容天主教的活动(1669—1671)

作者:陈玉芳 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:

提 要:康熙八年(1669年)三月,西洋教士南怀仁以“监督历法”身份掌钦天监,意味着西洋历法重新得到朝廷认可。尽管如此,天主教并未得到弛禁。宫廷传教士努力寻求皇帝对天主教的宽容。两年之后,在杨光先教案中被逐至广东的西洋教士得以“奉旨归堂”。本文利用中西文献,研究西洋教士重掌钦天监后,实现地方教士“各归本堂”的过程,不仅剖析宫廷传教士为推动朝廷宽容天主教,周旋于皇帝、礼部和满汉大臣之间的策略和人际环境,而且揭示出皇帝与官员大臣的态度和反应。


Title: On Jesuits’ Pursuit of Imperial Toleration in the Court of Emperor Kangxi (1669-1671)

Author:Chen Yufang, Ph. D. Candidate, University of Macau, China.

Abstract: When European Jesuit Ferdinad Verbiest’s appointment to the head of the Bureau of Astronomy in the eighth year of Emperor Kangxi’s reign, Christianity was still interdicted in China. The court Jesuits strived to pursue imperial toleration towards their religion, and after two years, in 1671, the Emperor decreed that those missionaries who were expelled to Guangdong in the Calendar Case were allowed to return to their own churches. This paper, based on Chinese and European sources, discusses Court Jesuits’ role in lifting the ban on Guangdong missionaries, uncovers not only Jesuits’ strenuous interactions with the Emperor, Manchu princes, Chinese superior officials, and others for the sake of Christianity but also the other party’s attitude and reaction.

Key words:Emperor Kangxi; Court Jesuits; Interdiction of Christianity in 1669; “Returning to Churches with the Imperial Decree”

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