
作者:张鹤泉 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:

提 要:东汉国家丧礼包括送葬仪节。这种送葬仪节在皇帝、太皇太后、皇太后的丧礼中占有突出的地位,并在诸侯王、列侯以及有秩级的职官范围实行。以二千石秩级为界限,东汉国家将实行送葬仪节的等级序列划分为两个层次,对秩级二千石以上等级的送葬仪节实行严格要求,但对秩级二千石以下等级层次的送葬仪节要求比较宽松。东汉皇帝、太皇太后、皇太后的送葬仪节有完整的程式,诸侯王和官员送葬仪节的规格则可能因为其生前业绩而得到提高。


Title: A Factual Study of the Burial Ceremony in the Eastern Han Funeral Rites

Author:Zhang Hequan, Professor, School of History and Culture, Changchun Normal University, Changchun,Jilin, 130032, China & Concurrent Professor, Centre for the Study of Chinese Ritual Systems, Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai, 200234, China.

Abstract: The burial ceremony is an important part in Eastern Han funeral rites, especially in the funeral rites for the imperial family and the upper nobilities. With the two thousandsdan(石) annual payment level as a dividing line, the burial ceremony for the top level elite was regulated rigorously, while the requirements for the lower level elite were flexible, which might be adjusted based upon the contributions of the deceased. The funeral rites of the emperor and his parents have complete ceremonial procedures, but those of the officials are dependent on their political careers.

Key words:Eastern Han; funeral; burial ceremony

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