
作者:李谷悦 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:

提 要:明初刘基作为开国功臣被封为诚意伯,开创了由他和袭爵后人构成的“诚意伯世家”。诚意伯爵位几度停袭,后又恢复,终与其他少数开国勋爵家族一起将贵族地位延续至明末。在明代政治演变中,诚意伯家族发生了由文臣向武臣的转变。该家族在整个明代贵族阶层中地位虽非最为显赫,但其特权地位仍足以使其后人骄纵跋扈,多为不法。明前期以文臣受封世袭的诚意伯家族与皇权间有复杂纠结,后期作为勋贵武臣的诚意伯家族则表现出贵族辅翼皇权的功能。


Title: The Status and Political Role of Liu Ji Family during the Ming Dynasty

Author:Li Guyue, PhD Candidate, College of History, Nankai University, Tianjin, 300071, China.

Abstract:In early Ming period, Liu Ji(刘基) obtained hisaristocrat title ChengyiBo(诚意伯) for his contribution to the establishment of the Ming dynasty.The inheritance of this title within the Liu family suffered several times of interruption Nevertheless, the descendants of Liu Ji eventually maintained their privileged status through the Ming dynasty and playedimportant role in Ming political history, especially during the late Ming period.

Key words: Liu Ji; Earl Chengyi; political history; the Ming dynasty

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