
作者:程 浩 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:

提 要:清华简《说命》三篇是殷高宗武丁对臣子傅说的命书,记载了武丁得傅说的过程以及对他的训诫。传世文献中的几条《说命》佚文,大多在简本中可以找到对应之处。而《学记》、《文王世子》等篇所引数语为清华简所无,很可能是流传版本不同所致。通过将《说命》与《盘庚》进行细致对比,我们还可以发现该篇较多地保留了殷商时期的原貌。


Title: Three Topics on SectionYuemingof the Tsinghua Bamboo Slips

Author:Cheng Hao, Ph.D. Candidate, Research and Conservation Center for Excavated Texts, Tsinghua University, Beijing, 100084, China.

Abstract: The Yueming(说命,appointment to Fu Yue) section of the Tsinghua Bamboo Slips is an position appointment document for FuYue(傅说), recorded the meeting of King Wuding of the Shang dynasty with FuYue and the King’s instruction. Most of the lost sentences ofYuemingin traditional literature can be seen in the bamboo slip version of this document, except a few words cited byXueJi(学记) andWenwang Shizi(文王世子), which might be due to edition differences. Through detailed comparison betweenYuemingand sectionPangeng(盘庚) ofShangshu(尚书,The book of History), it can be concluded that section Yueming retained considerable information about the original appearance of the Shang Dynasty.

Key words:The Tsinghua Bamboo Slips;Yueming; Pangeng

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