
作者:陈玉芳 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:

提 要:西洋教士入华是明朝政府在处理对外关系时遭遇的一个新问题。广东地方政府首先允许西洋教士入华,并对其施行一定的管理和控制。至利玛窦进京之后,西洋教士的问题逐渐为明廷所重视。从西洋教士在明代中国分布和扩散呈现发展的趋势可以看出,中央和地方政府对待传教士的主流态度是包容的,但以不违背他们所考虑的国家利益为前提。1616年南京教案的爆发凸显了明政府对西洋教士宽容的有限性。


Title: The Governmental Attitude and Policies of the Ming Dynasty towards the European Missionaries

Author:Chen Yufang, Ph.D. Candidate, Macao University, Macao, China.

Abstract: How to deal with European missionaries who attempted to enter and stay in China is a new problem faced by the government and officials of the Ming dynasty. It was prefects in Guangdong province who first allowed priests to reside in their jurisdictions while limited their numbers and activities. The central Court gradually attached importance to this issue when the Jesuit Matteo Ricci reached Beijing. The dissemination and development of the missionaries in China reveals that both the local and central governments mainly tolerated European missionaries. Nonetheless, the prerequisite for the political toleration is no violation of imperial interests, which is well expressed in the Nanjing persecution in 1616.

Key words:Jesuits; Ming Government; Attitude; Policy

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