
作者:易 红 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:

提 要:15世纪至17世纪初在以明朝居于支配中心的东亚世界里,琉球王国自始至终以睦邻友好甚至是谦卑的姿态、小心谨慎地与明朝、朝鲜、日本这几个近邻国家保持着政治经济往来,不断扩大自身的生存发展空间。一方面,积极加入明朝为中心的册封朝贡体系,寻求政治庇护和经济利益,另一方面,与日本、朝鲜和平相处,互通商贸,获取最大利益。处于以明朝为中心的朝贡体系中,琉球的国家利益始终与宗主国明朝的国家兴衰相连。在明末国家势力衰退之时,日本萨摩藩岛津氏于1609年入侵琉球,体现出其试图构建东亚日本式“华夷秩序”的野心。


Title: The Contacts of Ryukyu Kingdom to other Eastern Asian Countries and Its Existing Space during the Time of the Ming Dynasty

Author:Yi Hong, Ph.D. Candidate, School of History and Culture, Northeast Normal University, Changchun, 130024, China and Lecturer at the School of Humanity and Administration in Changchun University of Chinese Medicine, Changchun, 130117, China.

Abstract: From the fifteenth century to early seventeenth century, Ryukyu Kingdom carefully maintained, in most time with humble attitude, political and economic ties with the Ming, Korea, and Japan, in order to expand its apace of existence. Ryukyu Kingdom, on the one hand, took part in the Tributary System dominated by the Ming Dynasty for political asylum and economic benefits. On the other hand, Ryukyu Kingdom kept harmonious relationship with Japan and Korea for trade and maximum interest. In the pre-modern times, the fate of Ryukyu Kingdom was closely connected to the situation of China. In 1609, when the power of the Ming dynasty was suffering its decline, Ryukyu Kingdom was invaded by Shimazu Family from Satsuma Domain of Japan, which revealed the ambition of Japan to establish a Japanese dominated Eastern Asian world order.

Key words:Ming Dynasty; Korea; Ryukyu; Japan; Tributary System

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