
作者:张春梅 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:

提 要:古典时期,雅典建立了较为完善的官员监督机制,任期前的任职资格审查和任期内的信任投票和告发程序,以及卸任前的账目审计,从选人、用人、问责和追责环节遏制官员的权力滥用和腐败,一定程度上实现制度反腐,并维护了雅典的民主制度。雅典主要通过民众和陪审法庭实现对官员的有效监督。


Title: The Officials Supervision Mechanism in Classical Athens

Author:Zhang Chunmei, Lecturer, College of History, Dalian University, Dalian, Liaoning,116622, China.

Abstract: A well-developed official supervision mechanism was established in classical Athens. Through the procedures of examining the qualifications of the official candidates, the vote of confidence, the prosecution against official of misconduct, and the rendering of accounts on the expiration of one’s term in office, the Athenian effectively curbed the corruption of the officials, which to some extent helped to maintain the Athenian democracy. In conclusion, Athens depended on the public and Jury Courts to achieve the effective supervision of the governmental officials.

Key words:Officials Supervision Mechanism; Public Supervision; Jury Courts; Athenian Democracy

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