苏美尔神庙建筑仪式探析 ——以古迪亚滚筒铭文A和B为例

作者:刘 健 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:

提 要:古迪亚滚筒铭文A和B是迄今所知篇幅最长的苏美尔文献之一,也是古代两河流域历史上少有的详尽描述神庙建筑活动的文献之一。铭文详细记录了拉伽什第二王朝统治者古迪亚主持修建城邦主神宁吉尔苏的埃宁努神庙的经过。根据铭文反映出的苏美尔神庙建筑活动及相关仪式,我们能够深入认识苏美尔王权观念的内容、本质和特征。最后指出苏美尔统治者的建筑神庙活动实际上是一种政治行为,是通过神庙建筑活动强调统治者的统治具有神圣性、正统性和权威性的政治宣传行为。另外,这篇文献中反映出来的统治者的称号和自我描述、统治者的责任和义务等具有一脉相承的苏美尔王权观念特征,也对后世两河流域君主的王权观念产生深远了影响。


Title: Sumerian Temple Building Ceremonies in Gudea Cylinders A and B

Author:Liu Jian, Research Fellow, Institute of World History, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing,100006, China.

Abstract: As one of the longest Sumerian texts, Gudea Cylinders A and B are widely considered to be the most important resources for studying Sumerian Temple, temple building, and religious ceremonies. The texts deal with several aspects of the temple building activities sponsored by Gudea, ensi of Lagash, for Lagash patron deity Ningirsu, in which, the dream inspiration, the extispicy oracle, the gods’ admiration for the ruler, the celebrating banquet, etc. reflect the universal characteristics of Sumerian Temple building activities. This paper tries to excavate the inter-relationship between temple building and the Sumerian rulership or kingship. It concludes that, Sumerian ruler’s temple building is in fact an activity of announcing

legitimacy, holiness and authority of the rulership or kingship.

Key words:Gudea; Cylinder Inscriptions; the Temple Building Ceremonies

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