
作者:李志刚 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:

提 要:在礼制所展示的信仰领域中,衣服往往具有凭神,安抚灵魂的功能。复礼已往常被认作丧礼的一种,实质上复礼与丧事无关,仅仅是一种治病术,目的在于用衣服招魂,祈求人复生。而且只有复礼失败后,才宣告丧事开始。迁庙与立尸作为两种重要的礼仪活动,前者在于转移祖先魂灵,后者在于降祖先神灵附于尸而祭祀之。两者所用衣冠均是祖先的遗衣遗物,象征祖先的身份与肉身的存在。马王堆汉墓T形帛画被命名为“非衣”,发挥着引导灵魂进入墓葬的功能,象征灵魂与肉身的结合。“非衣”应看作是衣服的变体。玉衣出现于西汉文景之际,通过形塑而“复活”肉身。衣服作为肉体与灵魂的中介,在引魂附归方面,不可或缺。


Title: On the Function of Clothes in Ancient Chinese Rites and the Issue of Attracting Souls

Author:Li Zhigang, Lecturer, School of History and Social Development, Taishan College, Taian, Shandong, 271021, China.

Abstract: In ancient Chinese rites, clothes are used to attract and comfort souls. Fu-li (复礼) often wrongly recognized as a style of funeral rites, is a rite using clothes to call back souls of the deceased. In that case, only after the Fu-li has been declared failed that a funeral would begin. In the rite of Qianmiao (迁庙) which ransfers the soul of an ancestor and the rite of Lish (立尸)to locate the spirit of an ancestor to his/her corpse, clothes of the related ancestors would be used to represent the status, or even the flesh of the ancestors. The T shaped painting discovered in Mawangdui (马王堆) Han tomb named Feiyi(非衣)on the coffin to attract soul to the body should be considered as a variant of the clothes. The Jade clothes appeared in the early Han tombs have similar expected function of flesh resurrection.

Key words:Ancient China; Attract Soul; Clothes; Ritual System

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