
作者:张世超 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:

提 要:本文根据已公布的北京大学藏西汉竹简材料探索了佚书《仓颉篇》秦汉间演变情况,讨论了秦始皇统一文字背景下的语言、文字问题及汉字在汉代形体发展的文化原因。


Title: The Inspirations of the Western Han Bamboo Slip Scripts in the Collection of Beijing University

Author:Zhang Shichao, Professor, Faculty of Chinese Literature, Changchun, Jilin, 130024, China.

Abstract: Based upon the Western Han Bamboo slip inscript materials in the cllection of Beijing University, in connection with the changing situation of the lost bookCangjie Pian(《仓颉篇》), this paper discusses some issues about the language and the characters in the Qin unification era, as well as the reasons related to the structural and style changes of the Chinese characters during the Han dynasty.

Key words:Bamboo slips in Beijing University collection; Cangjie Pian; Unification of writing;

Li style of writing

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