乌尔帝国阿马尔辛前期的饲养场第二系牛羊吏 舒勒吉阿亚牟研究

作者: 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:

提 要:乌尔第三王朝是苏美尔文明最强大和最繁荣的时代,强大的舒勒吉王建立了一个记录牲畜收支的国家财政档案中心,称“普兹瑞什达干司”。作者从该地出土的近二万楔文文书中查检出488块泥板属于阿马尔辛王统治前期的王家饲养场(Naqabtum)主管舒勒吉阿亚牟的文书,重建了他的档案,归纳总结了他所进行的牛羊贡牲收入和支出的管理流程,送入人身份和消费的方向,并根据当时的账目记录,详细地分析和还原了一些乌尔帝国的政治、经济、外交和宗教活动的真实场面。


Title: A Study of the Cattle and Flock Official Šulgi-aya-mu of the Animal Center of Ur III Dynasty

Author:Jiang Jiayu, Ph. D. Candidate, Department of Western Asia, School of Foreign Languages, Peking University, Beijing, 100871, China; Wu Yuhong, Professor, Institute for the History of Ancient Civilizations, Northeast Normal University, Changchun, Jilin, 130024, China.

Abstract:By reorganizing and analyzing the 488 tablets belonging to Šulgi-aya-mu, the cattle and flock official in the Naqabtum Royal Animal Farm of Ur Empire, especially the daily animal receiving and distributing accounts, this paper reconstructs his functions and the related economic, political, religious and diplomatic events of the dynasty.

Key words:Ur III Dynasty; Amar-Sin; Administration and Finance; Animal Center; Šulgi-aya-mu

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