
作者:王云龙 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:

提 要:英国方面把占有爱尔兰的合法性,上溯至1155年罗马教皇阿德里安四世为英格兰国王亨利二世写的《祝祷书》。爱尔兰方面通过文献释读,用《抗议书》否认《祝祷书》是英格兰征服爱尔兰的合法性依据。《祝祷书》与《抗议书》形成了历时性对立关系,对立的焦点是爱尔兰的宗主权,而非现代民族国家的主权。

关键词:爱尔兰 《祝祷书》 《抗议书》

Title: Quarrels for Irish Suzerainty: fromLaudabilitertoRemonstrance

Author:Wang Yunlong, Professor, Institute of the Middle Ages Studies, Northeast Normal University, Changchun, Jilin, 130024, China.

Abstract:The legitimacy of United Kingdom’s possession of Ireland comes fromLaudabiliter, written for Henry II King of England by Pope Adrian IV. Irish philologists and politicians contradict the legitimacy ofLaudabiliterby means ofphilological interpretation ofRemonstrance. The focus of the two diachronic contrary files is not on the sovereignty but the suzerainty.

Key words:Ireland Laudabiliter Remonstrance

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