
作者:许兆昌 齐丹丹 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:

提 要:《清华大学藏战国楚竹简》(贰)所载《系年》,主要记录春秋至战国早期晋、楚两国的霸业发展史。从体例看,各章皆具因事成篇的特点,应是一部具有纪事本末体性质的早期史著。从谋篇布局看,其全篇可分作3个部分,第1章总揽全局,归纳兴衰的根本原因,高屋建瓴;第2至5章铺叙重要诸侯国简史,展现霸业发展的基本背景与形势,开局宏大;第6至23章以晋、楚迭为中心,叙述霸业全过程,内容完整。《系年》是战国史学发展的重要成就。

关键词:“清华简” 《系年》 纪事本末 战国历史编纂学

Title: On the Compilatory Feature of Tsinghua Bamboo SlipsJinian

Author:Xu Zhaochang, Professor, Faculty of Humanities, Jilin University, Changchun, 130012, China.Qi Dandan, Ph.D. Candidate, Institute for the Study of Ancient Chinese Books, Jilin University, Changchun,130012,China.

Abstract:Jinian, published inThe Warring States Bamboo Slips Stored in Tsinghua University(Ⅱ), records mainly the struggle history of the dominant position between the two states, Jin and Chu, from the Spring and Autumn Period till the early Warring States Period. Considered from the viewpoint of compilation style,Jinianshould be regarded as the earliest work of chronicle ins and outs known up to now, for each of its 23 chapters records one complete event. The whole work could be divided into three parts: the first chapter concludes the reasons of the rise and decline of the Western Zhou Dynasty as a prelude. Chapter 2 to 5 describes extensively the basic background and situation of struggle for the dominant position by narrating the brief histories of the important vassal states. Chapter 6 to 23 narrates completely the whole course of the struggle history of dominant position from the viewpoint of Jin and Chu in turn.Jinianis one of the most important achievements among the historiographical works compiled during the Warring States Period.

Key words:“Tsinghua bamboo slip” Jinain chronicle ins and outs historiography in the Warring states Period

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