
作者:王学军 贺威丽 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:

提 要:晋厉公三年(前578年)三月,晋国主导下诸侯会集,准备联兵伐秦,出兵前举行祭祖、祭社之礼,祭毕受脤,以此为背景,刘康公所言“国之大事,在祀与戎”缘于对成肃公接收脤肉不敬的批评。从历史背景和文本内容来看,“祀与戎”是指祀礼与军礼,均属礼制范畴,具体落实为祭祖、祭社之礼,都与祭祀相关。自《汉书》至《清史稿》,正史中的引用大多指属于礼制范畴的祀礼与军礼,保留其原始含义。受《孙子兵法》及其注释影响,“国之大事,在祀与戎”所指渐由祀礼与军礼扩大为祭祀与战争,并成为目前最为常见的解释。

关键词:“国之大事,在祀与戎” 原始语境

Title: On the Original Context and Meaning Transition of “The great affairs of State are Si and Rong”

Author:Wang Xuejun, Ph.D. Candidate, School of Humanities, Nanjing University, Nanjing, Jiangsu, 210093, China; He Weili, Ph.D. candidate, School of Humanities, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing, Jiangsu, 210097, China.

Abstract:March, 3rdyear (578 B.C.) of Jin Ligong, Jin gathered the subordinate vassals for a joint army to crusade against Qin. Before sending troops, the ancestor and shrine-sacrifice activities were held and also the sacrificial meat was conferred. In light of this, Liukang Gong expressed the saying of “The great affairs of State are Si and Rong”, which was a critique upon Chengsu Gong’s accepting sacrificial meat. Judging from the historical background and content of texts, both “Si and Rong” referred to sacrificial ceremonies within the scope of ritual system marked by ancestor and shrine-sacrifice activities. FromHan Shu to Scripts of History of Qing Dynasty, the citations of “Si and Rong” kept their original meaning. Due to the influence ofThe Art of War by Sun Tzuand its notes, the connotation of “Si and Rong” gradually expands to “sacrifice and war”, which has become a commonly accepted decoding of the term.

Key words:The great affairs of State are Ji and Rong original context

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