滇国青铜文化中被遮蔽的猛兽纹饰与符号 —— 兼论昆明羊甫头“鹰爪形木祖”的定名问题  

作者:朱和双 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:

提 要:昆明羊甫头墓地出土的造型精美的动物脚形器被定名为“鹰爪形木祖”,然而从椭圆状圈纹和脚趾数量来看,云南青铜器上常见的猛兽图像与符号中也有相似的特征。在滇文化中最早出现的虎与豹这两种大型猫科动物仅有纹饰上的差异,甚至连考古学家也很难将它们分清。随着西汉王朝的势力在滇池周围地区的迅速推进,这种虎豹混同的情况已得到彻底改观。同时,在滇国青铜器上广泛出现的猛兽纹饰与符号成为某种特权的象征,而所谓的“鹰爪形木祖”可能就是这种族群记忆在漆器上的遗留。

关键词:滇国青铜器 猛兽图像 豹纹符号 “鹰爪形木祖” 文化特征

Title: On the Patterns and Engraved Signs of Animals in Ancient Dian Bronze Culture and the Naming of the Wooden Artifacts Unearthed in Kunming

Author:Zhu Heshuang, Associate Research Fellow, Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, Chuxiong Normal University, Chuxiong, Yunnan, 576000, China.

Abstract: Some items unearthed in Yangfutou(羊甫头) of Kunming have been considered as wooden penis for worship. However, similar images can be found in the lacquer and bronze artifacts of the ancient Dian kingdom as well, which however have been identified as animal claws. This paper argues that the patterns and signs seen on the Yangfutou site should be taken as a reflection of collective memory of the local tribes about the Han Cultural influence to this area.

Key words:Dian Kingdom patterns and engraved signs wooden penis cultural influence

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