奴隶劳动在两河流域家庭农业中的重要作用 ——以两件分家泥板文书为例

作者:李学彦 吴宇虹 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:

提 要:本文分析了乌尔第三王朝和古巴比伦时期的两件分家文书。文件表明在古代两河流域的家庭生产资料中,奴隶作为动产的主要部分在家庭的农业生产和生活中占有极其重要的地位,许多家庭在生产劳动中大量使用男女奴隶劳动力,说明古代两河流域文明是建立在奴隶制社会上的农业文明,古代两河流域社会是奴隶制社会。

关键词:两河流域 法庭判决 分家文书 男女奴隶

Title: The Importance of Slavery Work to the Household Agricultural Production in Ancient Mesopotamia: Centered with Two Inheritance Partitioning Contracts

Author: Li Xueyan, Doctoral Candidate, Institute for the History of Ancient Civilizations, Northeast Normal University, Changchun, Jilin, 130024, China; Wu Yuhong, Professor, Institute for the History of Ancient Civilizations, Northeast Normal University, Changchun, Jilin, 130024, China

Abstract:This paper analyzes two inheritance partitioning contracts dated to Ur III period and Old Babylon period. They show that the slaves as personal property played important roles in the household agricultural production and everyday life in Ancient Mesopotamia. Many families used a number of male and female slaves as the main labor force of their agricultural production. Since the ancient Mesopotamian civilization was built on the base of slavery system, it should be considered as a slavery society.

Key words: Ancient Mesopotamia decision of court contract of separation slaves

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