
作者: 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:

提 要:“帝制农商社会”是从中国历史作为主体而不是作为相对于西方的比较对象角度,对明清时期国家、社会、文化总体形态的一种概括。这是一种在中央集权的帝制体系框架内展开的以农业、手工业生产为基础的商业化程度日益增强的社会,其最基本特征是,帝制——官僚——郡县体制与农商混合经济达成具有一定稳定性的共生态。明清帝制农商社会覆盖广袤的地域和众多的人口,具有独特的文化传统来保持基本社会平衡和持续性,具有独特的性征和演进倾向,应该被看作是人类历史上一种独特的社会形态。对其生成的轨迹的梳理有助于重新解读秦以来中国社会结构演进的历史,对其遗产的考察则有益于把握现代中国社会结构的历史渊源。

关键词:明清 帝制农商社会 西方中心主义 社会形态

Title: The Theme of the Ming and Qing Imperial Agric-mercantile Society Hypothesis

Author:Zhao Yifeng, Professor, Faculty for the Studies of Asian Civilizations, Northeast Normal University, Changchun, Jilin, 130024, China.

Abstract: Imperial Agric-mercantile Society is a term to generalize the structural characteristics of the Ming and Qing China. Such a generation is made from a China-centered perspective rather than a West-centered perspective. This society actually encouraged commercialization within the state untiy controlled by a centralized state power. The essential characteristic of this society is that the imperial-bureaucratic-prefectural and county system achieved a state of symbiosis with the agric-mercantile economy. Close investigation to the formation of such a society will lead to a new interpretation of Chinese history.

Key words:Ming and Qing Imperial Agric-mercantile Society structure of a society

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