
作者:<p class="MsoBodyTextIndent3" align="center" style="text-align: center; line-height: 122%; margin-le 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:




提 要:《尚书》学家刘起釪先生有多篇(部)论著讨论《禹贡》的成书时代,反复论证《禹贡》成书不晚于春秋,提出的证据为《禹贡》写成必在春秋以前或不晚于春秋的一个“铁证”,一个“要证”,一则“史事”,和两则“必早于战国的史实”。此后,刘先生进一步采信辛树帜、邵望平两人的《禹贡》成于西周说。本文认为,刘先生提出的证据存在诸多问题,讨论问题的方法也不尽可取,他对于顾颉刚先生的批评,尤其值得商榷。


《禹贡》 著作年代 证据


the Writing Time of the Section “Yu-gong” of the Book of

History: Debating against Professor Liu Qiyu

Author:Chen Lizhu, Research Professor, the Academy

of Social Science in Anhui Province and Ph.D.

Candidate of Anhui University, Hefei, Anhui,

230051, China


renowned “Shangshu (《尚书》,The Book of History)” expert Liu

Qiyu, in a number of articles and books dealing with the

writing time of the section Yugong (禹贡) of the Book of

History, argued that it would not be later than the Spring

and Autumn Period. However, his evidences, when examined

closely, are questionable. The methods of his study are also

not applicable. Liu Qiyu’s criticism against Gu Jiegang’s

opinion of that Yu-gong was written during the Warring

States period is especially open to questioning.

Key words:Liu

QiyuYu-gongdate of writing evidences

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