
作者:潘斌 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:

提 要:王安石是北宋时期的政治家、思想家、文学家,一生著述甚丰。然而,由于北宋末年的党派之争,以及后世的毁誉之论,王安石的著作散佚颇多。今按辑佚书一般原则,依据南宋卫湜的《礼记集说》、元吴澄的《礼记纂言》等著述,从中采辑王安石《礼记》训释65条,合为一编,以见王安石《礼记发明》之梗概。

关键词:王安石 《礼记》 《礼记发明》

Title:A Reconstructed Text of Wang An-shi ’s Lost BookLiji famingwith Comments

Author:Pan Bin, Lecture, College of Humanities and Social Sciences, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, Chengdu, Sichuan, 611130, China

Abstract: Based upon several existing Song materials, this study largely reconstructed one of the lost work of the Song politician and thinking Wang An-shi (王安石), namely, Liji faming (礼记发明,a new interpretation of the ancient classical bookThe book of Rites).

Key words: Wang An-shi Liji Liji faming

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