
作者:郭丹彤 王亮 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:

提 要《阿吞颂诗》译注是对古代埃及《阿吞颂诗》进行的释读、翻译,并对译文中出现的人名、地名以及古埃及历史事件、宗教习俗进行了必要的解释。该颂诗刻在位于埃及帝王谷西部十八王朝国王埃赫纳吞统治时期的大臣阿伊坟墓的西墙上,自上向下书写,共计13列,是研究古代埃及宗教和文学的重要文献。

关键词:古代埃及 《阿吞颂诗》 译注

Title: A Translation and Commentary of Aton Hymn

Author:Guo Dantong, Professor; Wang Liang, MA. Student, Institute for the History of Ancient Civilizations, Northeast Normal University, Changchun, Jilin, 130024, China

Abstract: Aton Hymnwas carved on the western wall of Aye’ s tomb western to King’s Valley. Aye is the name of an official during the reign of Akhenaton. The text of the hymn, totally 13 columns, was written from top to bottom. It is one of the most important materials for the study of ancient Egyptian religion and literature. This study provides a Chinese translation of the text, as well as notes on certain characters and toponyms appeared in the text. In addition, certain historical terms and religious rituals of ancient Egypt brought about in the text are explained.

Key words: Ancient Egypt Aton Hymn Translation Commentary

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