
作者:<font size="3">达恒</font><span lang="EN-US"><font size="3"> (<font face="Times New Roman">Gbur 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:


关键词:荀子 霍布斯 人性恶 矫治策略

Title: Xunzi and Hobbes’s Theories about Human Nature Evil and Their Correction Strategies under Contrast

Author:Gbur Adam, Doctoral Candidate, Faculty of History and Culture, Northeast Normal University, Changchun, Jilin, 130024, China

Abstract:Setting out from the position of genuine character, namely from “theory of essential human natureXunzi and Hobbes came to hold and observe the idea and reality of “man’s evil nature”, realizing that the development and the recklessly expending evil nature of man can cause not only social instability but also disorder of the entire universe. Nevertheless by somehow restricting this evil nature of man and taking countermeasures against it, social order can be established; therefore Xunzi emphasized the importance of “Lijiao”(礼教, moral education) while Hobbes put emphasis on the importance of “reason”. Xunzi wished to achieve a “Wangdao” (王道, benevolently ruled society) while Hobbes wanted to establish a “country based on justice and rationality”. Although their ideals are different, but behind their entire endeavor, the final aim was to actualize a harmonious life for man and bring a harmony between people and society.

Key words:Xunzi Hobbes evil human nature correct strategy

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