
作者:<span lang="EN-US"><font size="3"> </font></span><span style="line-height: 119%"><font size="3">郑先兴< 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:

提 要:汉代西王母崇拜充分表现在汉砖、石、镜及摇钱神树上的西王母艺术图像中,其发展经过了“长寿之偶像”、“神的救赎”、“神的创世”3个阶段。汉代人所以崇信西王母,一是基于现实生活的需要,即祈福成仙;二是基于精神的需要,即试图冲破制度的束缚以寻求情欲的满足和自身价值的实现。

关键词:汉画像 西王母 信仰 原型分析

Title: The Myth of and Worship to the Queen Mother of the West Seen from the Pictures Dated to the Han Dynasty

Author:Zheng Xianxing, Professor, Centre for the Study of Han Culture, Nanyang Normal Collage, Nanyang, Henan, 473061, China

Abstract:In the Han dynasty, worship to the Queen Mother of the West was very common, which can be seen from the art images of the Queen Mother on the bricks, stones, and mirrors made during the Han period. The image of the Queen Mother of West went through three phases of development, namely, as the idol of longevity, as a salvation Goddess, and as the Goddess of Creation. There were two factors that made the people in the Han period worship the Queen Mother of the West. The first is people’s desire of being immortal. The second is people’s desire for sexual satisfaction and the value experience of individual life.

Key words:the Han picture the Queen Mother of the West belief prototype analysis

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