
作者: 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:



提 要:本文对荷马时代战争的基本问题进行探讨,认为当时发动战争的基本意图是抢掠财富。战争有两种基本类型:一是个人的私掠战,一是共同体之间的战争。不同的战争中,军队的组织也有明显区别。关于战车,本文认为,它是一种常见装备,但不具有决定作用。交战之时,士兵大多人自为战,方阵仅在偶然情况下出现。对被征服地区,从无设官治理的打算,因此希腊没有出现地域广阔的大国。它表明城邦形成初期国家机器不够完备,但也体现了城邦作为公民共同体的基本特点。

关键词:荷马时代 战争方式 城邦国家

Title: Some Issues Concerning the Homeric Way of War

Author: Yan Shaoxiang,College of History and Culture, Central China Normal University, Wuhan 430079, China.

Abstract:This paper deals with some basic aspects of the Homeric way of war. It argues that the main motive for a war in the Homeric world was to accumulate wealth. There were two kinds of war: one was wars that called by individual strongmen, and the other was the wars between communities. In different wars, the ways of organizing armies were different. As to the employment of the chariots, this paper argues that even though it was common in the Homeric wars, it was neither absolutely necessary, nor decisive. In a war, each soldier generally fought for himself and the phalanx was rarely presented. Apparently, the Greeks never have thought about making their conquest permanent, although that might be beneficial to the formation of the Creek city-states. All these provide some information about the basic characteristics of the city-state and indicate, however, that the state mechanism was not well in order yet at the beginning of the polis.

Key words:Homeric age; way of war; city-state

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