
作者: 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:

提 要 :朱舜水学术思想的基本特点是提倡实功实用之学,反对宋儒以来高谈性命、脱离实际的学风。朱舜水对程朱相当尊重,但并非一味崇拜,对其不合己意之处能直言不讳地加以批评;对陆九渊、王阳明皆有肯定,但对陆、王的认识论有不赞同处,反对其学术作风及与佛教划不清界线。在朱舜水的心目中,陆、王地位远不如程朱。不能简单地说朱舜水在日本传良知之学。

关键词:朱舜水 明清之际 儒学 中日思想交流

Title:Two Comments on the Scholarly Thoughts of Zhu Shunshui

Author:Nan Bingwen, Professor, The Institute of History, Nankai University, Tianjin , 300071, China

Abstract:Although some research attention has been paid to the thought of Zhu Shunshui, a thinker of the transitional period from Ming to Qing, some aspects of his thought remain unclear and even misunderstood. This article argues that the basic idea of Zhun Shunshui's scholarly thought is promoting realistic and pragmatist learning. Zhu Shunshui criticizes the Neo-Confucian style of talking about human nature and fundamental characters without paying sufficient attention to reality. He respected the Cheng brothers and Zhu Xi sincerely, but not to the degree of worshiping them. Rather, Zhu Shunshui in several occasions criticized the Cheng brothers and Zhu Xi as well. He praised Lu Jiuyuan and Wang Yangming. Meanwhile, he rejected Lu and Wang's epistemology and strongly opposed their connections to Buddhism. To Zhu Shunshui, Lu and Wang were less respectable than the Cheng brothers and Zhu Xi. Therefore, viewing Zhu Shunshui simply as a Wang Yangming scholarship teacher in Japan is misleading.

Key words:Zhu Shunshui Transitional period from Ming to Qing Confucianism

China-Japan Exchanges

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