
作者:蔡彦峰 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:

提 要:受制于时代和认识的关系,庄子虽然对自身思想的实践性问题有所关注,但还未能圆满地解决这一问题。郭象继承庄子,深入地探索了庄学的实践性。首先,郭象以“性分”思想为基础,解决了《庄子》思想的内在矛盾。其次,郭象通过“自生”、“独化”建立其哲学体系,改造魏晋玄学的本体论,调和“自然”与“名教”的关系,使魏晋玄学成为具有实践性的学说体系。

关键词:郭象 《庄子注》 性分 实践性

Title:The Annotations to the Book of Zhuang-Ziby Guo Xiang and the Practicality of Zhuang-Zi's Thoughts

Author:Cai Yanfeng, Postal Doctoral Scholar, College of Humanities, Fujian Normal University, Fuzhou, 350007, China

Abstract:The practicality of the thoughts of Zhuang-zi attracted serious attention from the thinkers of the Wei and Jin period of China. Among them, Guo Xiang's exploration mainly focused on two aspects. The first, he took “the natural minute”(性分) as a basic concept of discourse, resolved the internal contradictions within the thoughts of Zhuang-zi. Secondly, by the application of the concepts such as “autogeny”(自生) and “self-contained distinction”(独化), he transformed the Wei Jin metaphysical ontology and conciliated the Confucian code of ethics with nature. This transformation brought practicality to the Wei Jin metaphysics and achieved an important development of the Zhuang-zi's thought.

Key words:Guo Xiangthe Annotations to the book of Zhuang-ziThe natural minute Practicality

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