
作者:韩宾娜 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:

提 要:中日古都有着千丝万缕的联系。相对于日本学界对中国古都的研究,以往中国方面对日本古都探讨曾略显不足,但随着中日学术交流领域的不断扩大和中国学者的刻苦精进,中日古都研究领域的中国声音,开始日渐强劲。本文通过梳理20多年来中国学者关于日本古都研究的成果,尝试对这一领域研究的进展状况及其新特点做出总结。

关键词:中国 日本 古都

Title: New Tendency in the Recent Researches of Chinese Scholars on Ancient Japanese Capitals

Author:Han Binna, Professor, Faculty of History and Culture, Northeast Normal University, Changchun, China, 130024

Abstract:Ancient capitals in China and Japan were related in many ways. In comparison with Japanese scholars' study of Chinese capitals, Chinese scholars' study about ancient Japanese capitals is relatively weak. Nevertheless, along with the development of scholarly exchanges between the two countries, Chinese scholars have been making great efforts and resulted in significant improvement in the said area. This thesis closely investigates the achievements of the Chinese scholars in this area during the past twenty years and further analyses the trends and characteristics of the newer development.

Key Words:China Japan Ancient Capitals

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