
作者:李 渊 时间:2016-09-29 点击数:

提 要:古希腊人与先秦华夏人均将自身之外的人视为“他者”。在两者对自我与他者的区分中,血缘、文化、政治相互联系,发挥着各自的影响,但三者在古代希腊和中国先秦的具体作用不同。古希腊人重视自身与蛮族的文化差异,也未忽视双方血缘的不同,而政治则影响着血缘、文化因素;而先秦华夏人则主要以文化而非血缘区别自身与夷狄,同时政治亦发挥着其影响。上述差异应与希腊、华夏的内外关系及三因素的特性有关。两种不同的族群观念,对两国历史有深远影响。



Title: On the Conceptual Similarity and Difference of Ancient Greeks and Pre-Qin Chinese about Ethnic Others

Author:Li Yuan,Lecturer, School of History, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, 100875, China.

Abstract: The conceptions about ethnic others of the ancient Greeks and pre-Qin Chinese are all involved with blood ties, culture, and politics but in different ways. To the ancient Greeks, culture, ties of blood and politics were all taken as important factors in self-identification. In pre-Qin China, on the other hand, culture, rather than ties of blood, was the most important standard to distinguish ethnic self from the others, while politics would also be taken under consideration. The conceptual differences between the two peoples are originated by the different situations, especially the relationships of them with the surrounding ethnic groups, as well as the different features of the related three involved facts. The above-mentioned conceptual differences consequently influenced the historical developments in both Greece and China.

Key words:Ancient Greeks; pre-Qing Chinese; Barbarians; Culture; Ties of Blood; Politics

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