溯源与辟新 ——略论中国的西方古典学学科建设

作者:张 弢 时间:2016-09-29 点击数:

提 要:中国的西方古典学学科自21世纪以来呈现出了新的发展面貌。突出表现在三个方面:通过探究古典学的译名回溯该学科的发展源头;强调学习古典语言、重读古代经典文献,从而构建大学中健全的古典学专业培养体系;着重梳理古典学在西方的学术史。这些均意在从头打造适合中国高等教育与学术界的新学科,体现出了中国的西方古典学学者的务实学风。这些努力既符合研究型高校建设的需要,又有助于中国的西方古典学学科追赶国际学术前沿。



Title: Origin and Prospects: The Development of the Classical Studies in China

Author:Zhang Tao, Associate Professor, the Department of History, School of Humanities, Tsinghua University, Beijing, 100084, China.

Abstract: Since the beginning of the 21st century, the Classical Studies in China achieved a new development mainly in three aspects: retrospect of the origins of the Classical Studies by re-examination of the key terminology translations of this field; re-construction of a complete training system of Classical Studies in Chinese universities by emphasizing classical philology studies and original document reading; making special efforts to exam the history of Western scholarship of the Classical Studies. All of these are aimed at a renewal of this discipline in China. These conscientious efforts would greatly help Chinese scholars in this field to keep up with the international academic standard.

Key words:Classical studies; Actuality of discipline; Scholarship history; Research university

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