
作者:王小波 时间:2016-09-29 点击数:

提 要:中世纪伊斯兰海商法的形成是一个循序渐进的过程:阿拉伯人从惧怕航海到发展海上贸易,在争夺地中海霸权的同时,积极学习拜占庭文化,根据变化了的社会情况对伊斯兰法做出变革,消化、吸收和改造拜占庭《罗得海商法》,结合伊斯兰教教义和精神,对帝国统治区域内的海商法律规范进行了大量论述,形成伊斯兰特色的海商法。



Title: On the Formation of the Medieval Islamic Maritime Law

Author:Wang Xiaobo, Professor, Research Administration Office, Kaili College, Kaili, Guizhou, 556011, China.

Abstract: The emergence of the medieval Islamic maritime law was a gradual process of development. From fearing sailing to developing sea trade, Arabs were fighting for Mediterranean hegemony while studying the Byzantine culture actively and adjusting Islamic law according to the ever changing social conditions. By learning fromRhode Maritime Lawof the Byzantine Empire and cooperation of the related knowledge to the Islamic spirits, the Arabs finally produced their own maritime laws with Islamic characteristics.

Key words:Middle Ages; Islam; Maritime Law; Formation

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