
作者:王 灿 时间:2016-09-29 点击数:

提 要:先秦时期的古人有着非常强烈的历史意识,其中最特殊之处就是他们在世时就已视自己为未来历史中的一员,这可称之为“预参与历史”的意识。先秦预参与历史意识主要表现在三个方面。首先是“作故”意识,即在世之人要在历史记载中为后人留下值得效仿的正面榜样;其次是“后嗣”观念,即把个人在历史上的永远存在寄托于连绵不断的直系血亲男性后嗣永存上的观念;再次是“入史”思想,即对自己将要以什么身份进入历史记载的明确认识和期待。先秦时期人的“预参与历史”意识与西方寄望于宗教而进入另一个彼岸世界获得“永生”的意识截然不同,对于我们认识先秦时期人的历史意识有不可替代的价值。



Title: On the Consciousness of Being a Part of Later History of the Pre-Qin People

Author:Wang Can, Associate Professor, Humanities School, Henan University of Science and Technology, Luoyang, Henan, 471023, China.

Abstract: The ancient Chinese have strong senses of history. They might consider themselves as parts of later history even when they were still alive. This article analyses this consciousness from three aspects, including the sense of being positive role models or rule makers for future generations, the sense of achieving immortal through consistent direct lineal male descendants, and the sense of strong expectation of being positively recorded in later historical texts. This consciousness is crucial for us to understand the pre-Qing idea of history and it is significantly different from the historical consciousness of the ancient people in the West.

Key words:Pre-Qin China; Sense of History; Being role model for the future; Descendant; Memory of history

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