大禹治水地域范围新论 ——以出土文献和考古发现为参照

作者:张 磊 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:

提 要:出土文献和考古发现为研究大禹治水范围提供了新的材料。尧舜禹时期洪水在多地不同程度地发生,但主要发生地应是河济之间,即古兖州地区,位于华夏、东夷两大部落相邻地带,这主要由于该地区的社会条件,即人口数量、生产力和社会经济发展水平、交通运输及治水工具等所决定。大禹治水涉及的范围更广些,北到冀州部分地区,东到大海包括青、徐等州,东南及扬州,南达荆州北部,西到豫州、雍州部分地区,但主要治理对象是黄河下游河道,还包括附近的河流、湖泊和沼泽。


Title: A New Study of the Geographical Scope of Yu’s Flood Control Activities: Based upon Unearthed Materials

Author:Zhang Lei, Associate Professor, Qilu Culture Research Institute, Shandong Normal University, Jinan, Shandong, 250014, China.

Abstract: Unearthed documents and archaeological discoveries provided a new ground for the study of the geographical scope of the flood control activities of Yu(禹). The flood occurred in the periods of Yao(尧),Shun(舜) and Yu mainly cover the area between Yellow River and Ji River. The activity of Yu’s taming flood activities covers a wider range:north to some parts of Jizhou(冀州), east to the coast, southeast to Yangzhou(扬州), south to northern Jingzhou(荆州),and west to some places of Yuzhou(豫州) and Yongzhou(雍州).

Key words:Yu’s flood control activity; Huaxia ; Eastern Barbarians; geographical scope

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