
作者:张利军 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:

提 要:周初周武王、周公、周成王以解决殷商内外服问题为契机,从总结夏商周社会治理经验出发,努力探寻建立稳固新秩序的良策。考察周初周王朝治理殷商内外服势力的策略演变,可得见周初社会治理模式重构的历史进程,以及商周间制度的承袭与变革。


Title: On the Strategy of Drawing Lessons from history and the Early Zhou Rebuilding of Social Governance Model

Author:Zhang Lijun, Associate Professor, School of History and Culture, Northeast Normal University, Changchun,

Jilin, 130024, China.

Abstract: In the early Zhou Dynasty, King Wu, Duke Zhou, and King Cheng made efforts to explore an effective policy for a new order. The strategies of Xia and Shang dynasties in dealing with the inner and remote states or tribes accordingly became valuable experiences for the new rulers. By looking into the policy changes in this regard, we would achieve better understanding about the early Zhou's reconstruction progress for its social governance mode.

Key words:Draw lessons from history; Zhou Dynasty; social governance model

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