
作者:朱曦林 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:

提 要:黄景昉是明末政治家,历仕启、祯两朝,自编修以至宰辅,几与崇祯一朝相终始。《宦梦录》是其仕宦经历的自述,作于甲申之变后,由于书中内容涉及明季史事,成书后,黄景昉不愿将之示人,以致流传不广,著录鲜稀,仅有抄本传世。崇祯朝无实录,而《宦梦录》正是黄景昉在启、祯两朝的见闻及其立朝作为的自述,因此该书对于明清之际史事的研究具有较高的史料价值。


Title: The Reference Value of Huang Jingfang’sHuanmeng Lu

Author:Zhu Xilin, Ph.D. Candidate, Department of History, Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing, 102488, China.

Abstract: Huang Jingfang(黄景昉) served to the courts of Emperor Tianqi and Chongzhen in late Ming period.Huanmeng Lu(《宦梦录》), written right after the collapse of the Ming dynasty, is an autobiography of Huang’s official career. Since the contents involve some sensitive subjects of the late Ming times, Huang did not present this book to the public. There is not an official record for Chongzhen period, which makesHuanmeng Lua very valuable reference for the study of late Ming and early Qing times.

Key words:Huang Jingfang;Huanmeng Lu; completion time; historical reference value

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