
作者:薛海波 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:

提 要:从婚姻关系看,六镇豪帅在徙居六镇前,大多处于北魏统治集团的中下层。徙居六镇后,六镇豪帅逐渐成为社会关系局于六镇的地方势力,其联姻对象主要是本军镇豪帅和邻近的代地豪帅。孝文帝迁都洛阳,主要是使六镇豪帅在北魏统治集团中的边地豪帅地位固定化。六镇豪帅通过联姻已结成了牢固的婚姻共同体。这种共同体使六镇豪帅在六镇的社会地位并没有因孝文帝迁都发生实质性变化。所谓六镇豪帅的社会地位经历了从北魏统治集团核心层剧降到低贱府户的下降过程,其实并不存在。


Title: On the Marital Ties among the Six Town Generals and Issue of Their Social Positions

Author:Xue Haibo, Associate Professor, School of History, Jiangsu Normal University, Jiangsu, Xuzhou, 221116, China.

Abstract: The Six Town Generals, mostly originated from the Lower level ruling class of the Northern Wei Dynasty, gradually increased their social status after moving into the Six Town area by building up mutual marriage relationship. Emperor Xiaowen’s moving capital to Luoyang did not substantially change the social status as stated by some scholars.

Key words:The Northern Wei Dynasty; Six Town Generals; relationship of marriage

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