
作者:孙炜冉 苗 威 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:

提 要:通过考古发现,可以洞悉高句丽墓葬形制和陪葬习俗,但是对于高句丽葬俗却必须配合文献材料,方能做以全面了解。在《三国史记》的记载中可以看到,高句丽人有着将死者就地安葬于死亡之处的独特习俗,尽管不能确定这种习俗是否延续于整个高句丽历史,但在其前期是的确存在的。此时,高句丽人虽有嫁娶之时“便稍作送终之衣”的“厚葬”传统,但并不代表其人在世之际便开始营建自己的墓冢。高句丽人有停丧传统,实则是在等待自己墓冢的修造,盖因其人是在死亡之地修墓安葬的缘故。


Title: A Study of the Unique Funeral Customs of the Goguryeo

Author:Sun Weiran, Ph. D. Candidate, School of History and Culture, Northeast Normal University, hangchun, Jilin, 130024, China; Miao Wei, Professor, School of History and Culture, Northeast Normal University, Changchun, Jilin, 130024, China.

Abstract: Archaeological finds have revealed the general characteristics of the Goguryeo tombs forms and funerary custom. Nevertheless, it needs further study of the documentary materials to achieve a sound understanding of the Goguryeo funeral rites. By examination ofSamguk Sagi(《三国史记》), this article points out that the Goguryeo people had unique customs of burring the dead in the death place, at least during the early times of the Goguryeo history. Although Goguryeo people commonly started to make clothes for their funeral when they got married, they would not start to construct their tombs until they were actually dead.

Key words:Goguryeo; burial place; the funeral rites;Samguk Sagi

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