
作者:李为香 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:

提 要:山东地区汉代祠堂后壁楼阁拜谒图的意义是内含在汉代墓葬的升仙仪式意义之中的。在这种终极性的信仰意义参照下,祠主受祭的传统观点具有很大的局限性。通过检视楼阁拜谒图中包括双层楼阙、仙界符号、高大的正坐老者以及正在施行跪拜礼仪者的各种元素,可以肯定楼阁拜谒图的真正意义并非祠主受祭,而为“祠主拜谒王母仙界使者”,是祠主由人界进入仙界的重要仪式过程。


Title: A Newer Interpretation of Some PicturesDated to the Han Dynasty in Shandong Area

Author:Li Weixiang, Associate Professor, Department of History, University of Jinan, Jinan,Shandong, 250022, China.

Abstract:There were lots of visiting picturesin pavilionon the ancestral templewalls in Han Dynasty of Shandong Area. Traditional interpretation of these pictures asancestor receiving ceremony by thedescendants is however misleading. This article argues that these pictures actually present the vision of the ancestors’ visits of Xi Wangmu(西王母) as a part of the process moving from this world to the heavenly world.

Key words:ancestor; immortal ritual; visiting pictures in pavilions; Xi Wangmu

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