
作者:董云香 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:

提 要:秘祝是秦及西汉初期负责为君主移过消灾的祝官,通常以“移过于下”的方式履行其职能。“移过于下”是一种转嫁灾祸巫术,虽然秘祝之官晚出,但秘祝这种“嫁祸于人”的方法却起源甚早。本文以转嫁灾祸巫术为线索,深入研究秘祝的起源,并对秘祝的设立与裁撤、秘祝之法的流变等问题进行考察。


Title: TheOrigin and the Development of the Secret Supplicants in the Qin and Han Dynasties

Author:Dong Yunxiang, Ph. D. Candidate,School of History and Culture,Northeast Normal University,Changchun,Jilin, 130024, China.

Abstract:A secret supplicant is an official in the court who is in charge of transferring faults and ill fortune from the emperor to others with superstitious methods during the Qin and Han Dynasties. This paper examines the origin, institutionalization, changes, and abolishment of this practice, aiming at exploring a feature of the early imperial system in Chinese history.

Key words:the Qin and Han Dynasties; secret supplicant; origin; development

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