
作者:田 率 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:

提 要:2009年中国国家博物馆新入藏了一件夔膚簠,时代定为春秋中晚期之际,是南方夔国被楚灭后,其公室遗胄为嫁女所作的媵器,器形、纹饰带有明显的楚式风格。夔膚、兒等称谓比较特殊。


Title: An Explanation of the Inscription on the Kuifu-fu Pot

Author:Tian Shuai, Archivist, National Museum of China, Beijing, 100006, China.

Abstract: In 2009, Kuifu-fu (夔膚簠), a particular style of ancient pot, entered the collection of the National Museum of China. It is confirmed that this pot was made between the mid to late Spring and Autumn period by a survived noble family of State Kui (夔国)as a part of dowry after the state Kui was conquered by the State Chu (楚国). Its shape and decoration shows the obvious Chu style. The related names such as Kuifu and Xianer(兒)are exceptions.

Key words:Kuifu pot; State of Kui

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