
作者:雒有仓 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:

提 要:青铜器复合族徽的类型结构与甲骨文多字族名多有相似之处,但不见同名重合事例,说明作为族组织的复合族徽实际上不见于甲骨文记载,因而复合族徽应当不代表族组织实体,而是几个关系亲近的族氏共同作器的表示,其用法类似于甲骨文多字族名的连称。


Title: A Comparative Study of the Composite Clan Emblems on the Bronze Vessels and the Multiword Family Names in the Oracle Inscriptions

Author:Luo Youcang, Professor, Institute of History and Society, Huaibei Normal University, Huaibei, Anhui, 235000, China.

Abstract: The style and structure of the composite clan emblems on bronze vessels are similar to the multiword family names in the oracle inscriptions, but there has been no exactly same name found. Since the clan emblems were not recorded on the oracle bones, the composite clan emblems might not be the representation of certain clan organizations. Instead, they indicate that some clans had close relationship and jointly casted equipment. This usage is similar to the appellation of the multiword family names in the oracle inscriptions.

Key words:Composite Clan Emblems on Bronze Vessels; Multiword Family Names; Oracle Inscriptions

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