
作者:李 佳 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:

提 要:晚明士人群体好谏诤,因建言而导致去官者众。针对这种情形,在朝群臣一再要求皇帝起复去官之人,或者封赠逝者,此类呼吁往往在朝廷出现政治变局与皇位更迭时,获得落实。从长时段的视野看,士大夫掌握了舆论话语权,士论砥砺,皆暗含着鼓励臣下直谏的思想。起复、封赠之议也反映出晚明中、下级官员与高级官员间的政治隔阂愈深,君臣关系隔膜愈甚的情形。但是,试图挽救晚明朝廷危局的主体终究是那些敢于建言,不惜去官,以及待诏起复的士大夫,他们无疑是晚明那个时代主流政治文化的传承与实践者。


Title: On the Remonstrance, Dismissal, and Reinstatement of the late Ming Court Officials

Author:Li Jia, Lecturer, History Department, College of the Humanities, Jilin University, Changchun, Jilin, 130012, China.

Abstract: The late Ming court officials were often dismissed after making a remonstrance to the emperor. In this case, there might be some officials remaining in the court to ask the emperor to recruit the dismissed, or to urge the court to grant brevet ranks to the dismissed. This type of requests were commonly satisfied when the court political difficulty occurred, or a new emperor came to throne. In this perspective, court officials at that time did have position to hold their own opinions and this phenomenon is one of the reasons responsible for the activeness of the Ming court officials in the political culture of that era.

Key words:Late Ming; Remonstrance; Dismiss from Office; Reinstatement; Grant of Brevet Ranks

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