
作者: 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:

提 要:德尔维尼草纸文献是现存较早的古希腊语写本,损毁较多、文字本身晦涩难懂,现代研究都带有很大程度的猜测成份。但文献对厄莉努丝的职司与形象演变的相关记载,对于理解希腊宗教的发展脉络则有着十分重要的参考价值。


Title: On Erinyes in Derveni Papyrus

Author:Wang Shaohui, Lecturer, Institute for the History of Ancient Civilizations, Northeast Normal University, Changchun, Jilin, 130024, China.

Abstract:Derveni papyrus has been viewed as one of the earlier Greek manuscripts, which damaged severely and thus all our academic approaches on this base have no sound evidence. Still, the recorded aspects concerning Erinyes would be of vital importance to better understanding of the development of ancient Greek religion.

Key words:Derveni Papyrus; Erinyes

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