
作者: 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:

提 要:古埃及存留的王室铭文和教谕文学作品中对埃及南部努比亚人的记载大多为丑化性的描写,称其为“可怜的库什人”,有时甚至把他们比作野兽。但是在埃及官吏留下来的自传性铭文和墓室图画中又可以看到这些所谓的“可怜人”其实并不可怜,这种看似矛盾的记录背后实际上隐藏着埃及同努比亚之间交往的真正内涵。原因在于埃及国王对努比亚地区资源的需求和通过丑化异族来维护王权统治的目的。


Title: The Nubians in Ancient Egyptian Texts

Author:Ge Huipeng, Ph. D. Candidate, Department of History, Fudan University, Shanghai, 200433, China.

Abstract:In royal Egyptian inscription and didactic texts, there are lots of records on Nubians, who live beyond the southern frontier of Ancient Egypt. Most of the records are involving to smear the image of the Nubians. Those Nubians were called “wretched Kush” by Egyptian; sometimes even Egyptian treated them equally to beasts or animals. But in the autobiography of Egyptian official or the records from common Egyptian, those people seemed not wretched at all. These seemingly contradiction records hide the real meaning of the relationship between Ancient Egypt and Nubia. Plunder Nubians and uphold Egyptian kingship were real intention of Egyptian King which deeply hidden from the records of smearing Nubians.

Key words:Ancient Egypt; Nubians; Wretched Kush

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