
作者: 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:

提 要:雅赫摩斯是古埃及第十八王朝初期一位重臣,从该王国开国的第一位法老始,先后辅佐过阿赫摩斯一世、阿蒙霍太普一世、图特摩斯一世、图特摩斯二世、图特摩斯三世和哈特舍普苏特女王。死后葬于艾尔-卡伯的凿岩陵墓中,该篇铭文即刻写在陵墓的墙壁上。与《雅赫摩斯——伊巴纳之子自传铭文》、《伊南尼自传铭文》一同构成第十八王朝初期历史最为重要的历史文献。


Title: A Chinese Translation of Hieroglyphic Text of theBiography of Ahmose Pen-nekhbetwith Commentary

Author:Li Xiaodong, Professor, Institute for the History of Ancient Civilizations, Northeast Normal University, Changchun, Jilin, 130024, China.

Abstract:Ahmose Pen-nekhbet was an important minister of 18thDynasty, and served several kings of the Dynasty from Ahmose I, who established the Dynasty, Amenhotep I, Thutmose I, Thutmose II, Thutmose III, until the female King Hatshepsut. He was buried in his rock-cut tomb in el-Kab in which this inscription is inscribed on the walls and the surface of columns. Together withAhmose, son of IbanaandAutobiography of Ineni, theBiography of Ahmose Pen-nekhbetis taken as the most important historical documents for the study of the beginning of the history of 18thDynasty.

Key words:Inscription; Officer; Ahmose

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