
作者: 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:

提 要:羌钟涉及到“征秦迮齐”及“袭敚楚京”等历史事件,其史料价值非常高。由于文献缺载,导致学者对于“征秦”与“袭敚楚京”的解读莫衷一是。最近公布的清华简《系年》记载了相关内容,使羌钟铭的这些重要史实得以发覆。


Title:Deciphering the Relevant Historic Facts from the Piao-bells Based upon the Text ofXi-Nianon the Bamboo Slips Collected by Tsinghua University

Author:Wang Hongliang, Doctoral Candidate, School of History, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, 100875, China.

Abstract:The Piao-bells were related to historical events such as the conquest of Qi, Qin and Chujing(楚京)and so on. Its historical value is very high. Due to lack of recordation, these historical events has always been ambiguous. According to a recently-published text ofXi-Nian(系年)on the Bamboo Slips Collected by Tsinghua University, we can decipher these important historical events.

Key words:Xi-nian; The Piao-bells; the Relevant Historic Facts

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