
作者: 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:

提 要:周代天子、诸侯使用多字谥并不少见,文献记载周代同一历史人物的谥号,有时是多字谥,有时是多字谥的省称。由于对多字谥省称现象缺乏足够认识,一些学者在校释文献时,对于同一人物的不同谥号,或认定其中必有误载,或改动原作中的谥号,这种做法值得商榷。这些不同的谥号,并不能完全排除其为多字谥省称的可能。在没有更多的确切材料予以证明之前,仍需阙疑待考。


Title:The Problem of the Abbreviation of Zhou Dynasty Multiword Posthumous Title in the Ancient Books Annotating

Author:Ma Wei-dong, Post-Doctoral Researcher of the History and Culture Institute , Northeast Normal University, Associate Professor of Faculty of Arts of Jilin University, Jilin, Changchun, 130024, China.

Abstract:In the Zhou dynasty, the emperors and the governors used multiword posthumous title frequently. In the ancient books the same historical figure In the Zhou dynasty sometimes had both multiword posthumous title and its abbreviation .Because of lack of awareness of the problem the abbreviation of multiword posthumous title, some scholars maintained that there must be wrong records among the different posthumous title and modified the posthumous title in the original works directly. This is debatable. These different posthumous title do not completely rule out the possibility of the abbreviation of multiword posthumous title. In the absence of more precise materials which can be used to prove it, it is better to leave the question open and wait for the further checking.

Key words:the Zhou dynasty; the multiword posthumous title; the abbreviation

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