
作者:张 楠 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:

提 要:《赫巴铜表》是罗马皇帝提比略统治时期元老院为纪念日耳曼尼库斯所提出的法令草案铭文,是进行罗马帝国初期政治制度研究的第一手资料。自发现之日起,诸多学者对该铭文进行整理与校勘,形成多种版本。国内相关研究未见。本文以拉丁文本为基础进行迻译与注释,以期为国内研究者提供一份较为忠实的中文文本。

关键词:铜表 赫巴 日耳曼尼库斯

Title: A Chinese Translation and Commentary of Tabula Hebana

Author:Zhang Nan, Lecturer, Institute for the History of Ancient Civilizations, Northeast Normal University, Changchun, Jilin, 130024, China.

Abstract:Tabula Hebana is a rogation issued by Roman senate to honor Germanicus after his death. It is an inscription of high value for the study of early Empire of Rome. Many scholars keep on with the study of this inscription in various subjects since it was found. However there is still no Chinese scholar researching this inscription. Based on Oliver and Palmer’s text, the present study aims to offer a Chinese version closer to the original text.

Key words:inscription Tabula Hebana Germanicus

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